The Northeast Kingdom at its purest

Explore Vermont from this perfect corner of the Northeast Kingdom. With views of Lake Memphremagog, wildlife-rich forests and fields, it is a guarantee that you fall in love with this place!



3/8/2025 - Ski Trails are better than you think; the base is solid with ony a rare wind-exposed spot and the bike path showing ice. Fat biking is great with the exception of the potholes caused by some walkers.

2/22/2025 Ridgehill Connector is open! Logging operations are suspended - there is a chance we will have to close again when they resume. Manning is accesible via field, but the upper reaches are affected by the logging.


All trails are groomed including the upper trails ( groomed between Ridgehill Dr and TOW). Yurt is heated for weekend Days, Bill Koch and Thursday night Yoga. J

Click Activities/Mountain Biking to find winter fat bike grooming and trail reports.


1.10.2025-Hurray for Snow! This means walking on the trails is over; Snowshoes are a must!

Rentals are still available by appt, please call first. Preferred times are still generally Sundays 4:30-6PM, Tuesdays 4:30 to 5 and after 6. Call 802 825 1673, and please check rentals page on this website for details

Winter Events & Bill Koch

Now that we have a warm space, we are excited to crank up our winter offerings. Please see the calendar for full details, but highlights include:

  1. Bill Koch (kids ski league) will move to Wednesday afternoons, 3:15 - 4:45. Nicole Gratton, Andrew Comtois and Paul Chambers will be heading up the program. We will host 2 special rental nights for the Bill Koch program; Wednesday December 4th & 11:00, from 4:30-6:30PM.

    If you can’t make these rental nights please email us to schedule and appointment.

    All Bill Koch participants need skis by January 1st.

  2. There will also be snowshoeing with Shelly every Wednesday evening at 5:00.

  3. Every Tuesday evening Bob will host a ski workout at 5:00. This will be up tempo but users of all abilities will find a workout for them.

  4. We are excited to announce that Memphremagog Trails will again be offering adult classic cross-country ski lessons this winter beginning on Tuesday January 7th at 10am. Lessons are free, but you must be a member! Stay tuned as times are TBD.

  5. There is a full slate of full moon snowshoe/ski/bike events with Louise. The first of these is the “Cold Moon” Ramble on Sunday Dec 15, 2024 5:30PM – 7:00PM.

  6. General Public Ski Rentals – Will be available most Tuesday and Sunday evenings at the barn, see calendar for times. Please call Bob before coming over as he is sometimes called out for work. Please try to use these times, but if you cannot you can also contact him to work something out. 


2024 Summer Mountain Bike Trails Status: Click Here


Be sure to renew your winter/annual memberships! If you haven’t signed up, this is the perfect time!

Give a membership as a gift!


"I found far more answers in the woods than I ever did in the city."

~Mary Davis~


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